Saturday, 17 May 2014

Straining the Water Kefir Grain. Here we are gathering the First Ferment (F1) Water to prepare for Second Ferment (F2). New Zealand Probiotic Drinks and Sodas. NZ Water Kefir.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Preparing Water Kefir to make Soda (VIDEO) Buy Water Kefir Grain NZ.

Very quick video on feeding Kefir Grain, preparing the Water kefir liquid for making Soda. At the bottling stage add the organic fruit juice of your choice for flavour or go with the kefir flavour on it's own. Just add a fruit juice to the collected Kefir water from your current brews. Collect your grain, strain it and start a new brew.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Kefir First Ferment Day One and Two. Fermentation NZ. Water Kefir Blog N...

Water Kefir Grain in New Zealand. Here is a quick video showing the Kefir grain in action. Notice the natural bubbles forming on the fruit and lifting from the Kefir grains / Kefir crystals. The Kefir water is at this stage perfectly fine to drink, it has a fruity, fresh, lightly effervescent and mild flavour. Most of the sugars have been used up by the Kefir grain at this stage. If you do a second fermentation there will be even less sugar in the probiotic drink. Video on preparing for a second fermentation will be added soon. High Definition Version :

Water Kefir Probiotic Drink. New Zealand Health Foods.

One of our fermented Probiotic drinks. This is a Water Kefir, Apple, Pear and Ginger Second Fermentation. Effervescent bubbles dance on the tongue. No more store bought soda pop. This is the real thing.

Water Kefir In New Zealand.

Welcome to Water Kefir New Zealand Blog. This is a place where we will show you what Water Kefir is all about, introduce you to how Water Kefir can enhance your lifestyle and bring your body into balance. Water Kefir is a Probiotic Drink that has a list of benefits including increased energy and boosted immune system. We will go into more detail as the posts go on. For now take a look at some of our current ferments to get a feel for what we are doing.